Catholics “Remember” to connect these “dots”: “Youth, Maturity, Death’ to: “Judgment.”

Jesus Christ has The Power to save us from sinking into something worse than confusion by leading us to see that “remember” means to “re-member”, and not “dismembered”.  The short post explains what may be a “New Idea” for believers.

Jesus Christ has The Power to save us from sinking into something worse than confusion by leading us to see that “remember” means to “re-member”, and not “dismembered”.  The short post explains what may be a “New Idea” for believers.


Question 1:  “Do Catholics ‘remember’ to connect the ‘dots’ of ‘Youth’, ‘Maturity’, and ‘Death’ to  God’s Coming Judgment of our soul after reading Eccl 11:9 – 12:8?”

Answer:  “This Word of God helps us ‘remember’ to connect those ‘dots’”!  ‘Rejoice, O young man, while you are young and let your heart be glad in the days of your youth.  Follow the ways of your heart, the vision of your eyes;  Yet understand that as regards all this:  God will bring you to judgment.’


Question 2:  “How does God tell us to prepare for oppression and death that may fall on us at any moment?”

Answer:  “He tells us to do this! Remember your Creator in the days of your youth before the evil days come, . . when the guardians of the house tremble, the strong men are bent, the grinders (workers of grain, wood, and metal) are idle because they are few, . . . the sound of the mill is low (nearly everyone is out of work), . . . the daughters of song are suppressed, and one fears heights and perils in the street.'”


Question 3:  “How are Catholics blessed to remember our Creator’?”

Answer:   “We ‘remember’ that Jesus Christ was born of a Virgin in The House of David in the tiny village of Bethlehem and that He fulfilled over 300 more Prophecies that include being ‘lifted up before men’ so the world would be able to ‘look upon He Whom they pierced.'”


Question 4:  “How do Catholics put ‘remembering’ to meaningful use?”

Answer:  “We ‘remember’ the importance of Grateful Obedience to every Teaching of Jesus, including His Church-Creating Word to The First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 5:  “How do Catholics ‘remember’ to live by This Word of God in Today’s Reading from 2 Timothy, 1:10, ‘Our Savior Christ Jesus destroyed death and brought life to light through The Gospel.’?

Answer:  “Catholics hear and ‘remember’ The Call to Catholic Communion He repeated 14 times!  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 6:  “Why do only Catholics ‘remember’ to respectfully eat and drink ‘That Holy, Life-Giving Food’?”

Answer:  “God blesses Catholics to ‘remember’ The Power of God to give His Catholic priests The Power to preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation and provide His Living Body and Blood to us.”


May every person on earth ‘remember’ the Words of Jesus clearly enough to ‘Be Catholic’ by understanding what may be a New Idea: ‘re-member’ means to restore the ‘members’ of our own body, our arms and hands and legs and feet, back into their proper place to do their best work.  Catholics “Remember to re-member” at every Catholic Communion that keeps us from being “dismembered”.


