Satan began keeping souls from Heaven when he lived there.

We are grateful to Job for giving us The Faith to be as Catholic as we can.

We are grateful to Job for giving us The Faith to be as Catholic as we can.


Question 1:  “Did Satan once live in Heaven?”

Answer:  “Satan was one of the jealous angels who rebelled against God.  He, along with the 33% of the angels who tried to overthrow God, were thrown out of Heaven.  They are on earth, leading people to love themselves more than God.”


Question 2:  “While Satan was still in Heaven, did he show his urge to destroy belief in God in Job 1:6-22, where he tried to destroy Job’s Faith because Job was, in God’s Own Word, ‘blameless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil’?”


Question 3:  “Did Satan think Job was only Faithful because of the earthly riches God gave him:  ‘surrounding Job and his family and all he has with Your protection and Your blessing the work of his hands.’?

Answer:  “Satan could not believe that anyone with Free Will, especially a rich person like Job, would follow God if bad things happened to them.”


Question 4:  “Did God let Satan try to destroy Job’s Faith by taking his possessions and family?”

Answer:  “Satan was allowed to have Job’s herds, flocks, and children destroyed.”


Question 5:  “What did Job do?”

Answer:  “Job proved that God was right when he ‘tore his cloak, cut off his hair, cast himself prostrate on the ground, and said ‘Naked I came forth from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I go back again.  The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;  blessed be the name of The Lord!’

Despite all the agony he suffered, ‘in all this Job did not sin, nor did he say anything disrespectful of God.’


Question 6:  “What lesson should we learn from The Book of Job?”

Answer:  “We see that every life is a Test of Faith.  If we love God and our neighbor, we understand that every Test of Faith is a blessing from God.


Question 7:  “How do Catholics pass our ‘Test of Faith’?”

Answer:  “We know these simple facts:  1. Soon, we will no longer have our bodies, families, and possessions.  2.  Each of us will only have our soul.  3. It will be Judged.  4.  We want to get our soul into Heaven.  5.  We can’t get in if we reject these ‘keys’:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


May all be blessed to be as Catholic as we can.

