Simple Reality: Septic and Sewage Profiteers are destroying our families.

May Jesus move our leaders to face and fix what hurts our Families. ~

May Jesus move our leaders to face and fix what hurts our Families.


There are 5.7 million homes in Pennsylvania. 26% of them (1,500,000) use septic tanks to dispose of wastewater. 2.5 people live in the average home, meaning that 3,600,000 Pennsylvanians depend on septic tanks.

Many of these systems have been used for a century with no cholera, malaria, or other diseases being caused.

Hidden Problem #1:  “Septic System Profiteers” use exaggerated problems to force people to replace simple Septic Systems that used to cost a few thousand dollars with needlessly complicated alternatives that can cost upwards of $50,000.00!

3,600,000 Pennsylvanians live in fear of a zealous Sewage Enforcement Officer forcing them to replace a system that may only need a few thousand dollars of perforated plastic pipe, gravel, and topsoil (or a $1.00 bag of bacteria every month!) with a crushing, family-destroying Septic System requiring another mortgage they may not be able to afford or get.

Hidden Problem #2:   “Public Sewage Profiteers” are destroying families in many Townships and Counties because they always want more people hooked up to their ever more costly sewage systems.

Anyone can see The Hidden Problem:  Forty years ago, families in the small town of Prospect, Pennsylvania were forced to hook up to a Sewer Authority, despite no diseases or health issues.  Why?  New septic regulations, supported by Septic and Sewer System Profiteers, made it impossible for anyone to buy a lot and build a house.

Every housing unit in Prospect now pays $90.00 a month for what used to be free.

Public Sewer Profiteers took so much money out of the town that two restaurants, one farm implement dealer, and a grocery store closed. So did the bank!  Sewage Profiteers, encouraged by “financial geniuses” in Philadelphia and New York drained so much money out of Prospect’s families that the bank closed thirty years later!

Compare Prospect with the small town of Portersville, a few miles away. We have the same half-acre lots with septic tanks that Prospect used to have. We did not have our $10-20,000.00 Septic Tank asset disappear.  We did not have to pay a $10,000 hook-up fee to attach to the Public Sewer. We did not have to pay over $43,000.00 in constant dollar monthly fees for forty years.  We got interest on that money, instead of seeing it flushed down the toilet.  We could afford new tires, furnaces, prom dresses, kitchen remodeling, and things we needed to help our families.  Guess what?  Our bank is still here!

The Public Sewage Profiteers did not take a hundred thousand dollars from every family in Portersville.  Every year, our families get richer.  Every year, the families in Prospect and other places crippled by Public Sewage get poorer as many of their monthly fees have doubled, tripled, and quadrupled to pay for shoddy maintenance and subsequent bond issues for Public Sewage Profiteers and their many, many, many “consultants”, some of whom have climbed to what may be the very pinnacle of uselessness, “Watershed Management”.


Families are being destroyed across Pennsylvania and America!  Needlessly expensive Septic and Sewer Systems do the same damage to families as drugs and gambling:  they destroy family finances. A single Mother with two children lives across the road. Rather than repair or replace a septic system that cost $5,000.00 twenty years ago, she was forced to spend over $50,000.00 dollars!   Two houses away from her, another neighbor had to borrow over $20,000 instead of making a simple repair.  Largely imaginary environmental problems are destroying millions of Pennsylvania families. Supporting candidates who meaningfully care more about families than donors is our only protection from “Sewage and Septic Profiteers”.

May all be blessed to care more about our families than about often-imaginary environmental concerns.  Water and Sewage Profiteers are helping bring projected 15-20% population losses to many Pennsylvania Counties in this War on Families because young people fear having children they cannot afford.  A horde of recently spawned “Watershed Profiteers” only make Imaginary Problems more costly.

Many Democrat and Independent voters love their families. When they realize what imaginary water and sewage problems are costing them, they are also appalled at the biggest financial problem they face:  being crushed by Water, Sewage, (and the increasingly visible) Watershed Profiteers.

May all elected officials be blessed with enough love of their neighbors in their hearts to stop ignoring or hiding from this issue.  May God bless all legislators to work as quickly and effectively on behalf of families as they do on behalf of donors.

Those “donors” may include those led by high-level executives of Water and Sewage Profiteering Companies.   The head of one such company with local involvement is a woman who receives $7,200,000.00 a year for her efforts.   She, her top half-dozen executives, and a dozen people on the board of directors are paid about $20,000,000.00 every year.  They use company money to pay the hefty salaries of those hired to get Township Supervisors and other elected officials “enlightened” enough to keep more money being taken from families to flow through their Public Water and Sewer Systems into their pockets.

The Supreme Court’s recent Chevron Decision does not allow bureaucrats to force needlessly expensive programs on voters by inventing profit-generating standards unrelated to reality. This is a connection more Pennsylvania voters are beginning to understand. All will be grateful to those who are “family-friendly”.

May all see the simple fact:  Septic tanks and low-cost Sewage bring financial freedom to families.  Politically correct, parasitic alternatives are destroying families.

These are among the most important issues we face if we want families to have a future.  May all legislators be blessed to put families before well-organized Sewage and Water Profiteers and their donations.

May all of us be blessed to understand what was revealed to Dante about the fate of souls after Judgment: “Those who participate in ‘complex frauds’ are eternally agonized in the lower six circles of ‘The Inferno’.”


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