Only Catholics know: 15 Trillion Light Years of Creation are for me.

Did God Create 15 Trillion Light Years of Complexity so I could save My Soul?

Did God Create 15 Trillion Light Years of Complexity so I could save My Soul?


Question 1:  “Why are 15 Trillion Light Years of God’s Creation for each one of us?”

Answer:  “Each of us is a Special Creation, different from every person who has ever lived.”


Question 2:  “Why did God go to all that trouble?”

Answer:  “He loves us so much that He gave every person on earth a mind, body, and immortal soul that is ‘made in the image of God’.  God loves us so much that He gives every person on earth a chance to have their immortal soul live in The Joy of Heaven, forever!”


Question 3:   “What is the most important thing we can do with our life on earth?”

Answer:  “Focus on the most important thing we have:  our immortal soul.  If we choose to make our soul pleasing to God, it will be a ‘Holy Living Spark’ that He will welcome into Heaven!”


Question 4:  “How do we know we have an immortal soul?”

Answer:  “God sent His Son as a Living Sacrifice to let His Chosen People know two things:  1.  We each have an immortal soul.  2.   Each soul will have Eternal Joy in Heaven if our words and deeds on earth are pleasing to God.”


Question 5:  “How do we make our soul ‘pleasing to God’?”

Answer:  “We are the living answer to that question because we see This Universal Truth“We like people who do what we want.”  Since we are made ‘in the image of God’, we know:  God likes people who do what He wants!


Question 6:  “What does God want us to do?”

Answer:  “God wants us to find and get the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that His Beloved Son took human form and died to give to His First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 7:  “Do Catholics believe God created a Universe that is 30 trillion light years from side to side and filled with complexity to make a huge movie set so He could let Catholic souls into Heaven?”

Answer: “If you are smart enough to ask that question, and if you ask God to bless you with His Answer, you will find that it is ‘Yes!’


May God bless us all to understand what it means to be “Made in the image of God” and work as hard to do what He wants as much as we want others to do what we want.

