Catholics understand “Two Hidden Laws of Life”.

There are Hidden Laws of Life.

There are Hidden Laws of Life.


Question 1:  “What are two Hidden Laws of Life’?”

Answer:  “The First Hidden Law:  ‘People Seek Approval’.  Most of our thoughts, words, beliefs, and purchases are based on making us ‘approved’ by others.”


Question 2: “Where does ‘Approval’ come from?”

Answer:  “There are two sources.  Many seek ‘human approval’ with variations of:  ‘We have no god but Caesar.’  Catholics pray and work for  God’s Approval because no immortal soul can get into Heaven without God’s Approval.”


Question 3:  “How do Catholics get God’s Approval for what we think, say, and do?”

Answer:  “Catholics want This Approval from Jesus in John 15:14:  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

For 2,000 years, Catholics have guided our thoughts, prayers, words, and actions by The Church-Creating Proclamation of Jesus to The First Catholic Pope in Mt. 16:18-20:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 4:  “Why doesn’t everyone seek God’s Approval“?

Answer:  “Since Abraham and Moses, almost 4,000 years ago, Profiteers of Protestantism have been replacing God’s Law put forth in Mk 12:30-31, ‘Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.’ with this human vanity:  ‘I know more than God about what is best for me.’


Question 4:  “Does that vanity always take form in putting ‘Human Approval’ before ‘God’s Approval’?”

Answer:  “That fact leads us to The Second Hidden Law‘The smartest people fall the farthest.’  Many seek fame and fortune that comes from leading their neighbors to love earthly things more than God and their neighbors.'”


Question 5:  “Does Jesus tell us in The Bible that ‘The smartest people fall the farthest’ is The Second Hidden Law?”

Answer:  “Mt. 18:6 is very clear!  ‘But if you (a smarter person) cause one of these little ones who trusts in Me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.’


May no one lead anyone to disobey This Catholic Teaching that most meaningfully makes “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself” The Guiding Law:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

