What “New Word” have Catholics invented? Why?

Catholics have invented a “New Catholic Word“ to help save our souls from seven tribes of demons.  Be the first to tell your friends:

Catholics have invented a “New Catholic Word to help save our souls from seven tribes of demons.  Be the first to tell your friends:


Question 1:  “What New Word did Catholics invent to help us get our soul into Heaven?”

Answer:   “Some anonymous Catholic invented this New Word‘peggals’.”


Question 2:  “Why is ‘peggals’ an important New Word?”

Answer:  “For the first time in History, we have a simple way to put every evil on earth in one New Word of seven letters: ‘peggals’.”


Question 3:  “What does ‘peggals’ mean?”

Answer:  “‘Peggals’ is a New Word that lets Catholics remember the seven tribes of demons who try to lead every soul into hell.  Pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth are the names of seven tribes of demons.  They are brilliantly summed up in Catholics’ New Word‘peggals’.”


Question 4:  “How do Catholics use the New Word, ‘peggals’?”

Answer:  “Every time we are tempted to do something wrong, the word ‘peggals’  lets us immediately see which tribe of demons our temptation comes from.  In a micro-second, considering ‘peggals’ lets us know:  ‘That accursed demon of pride is tempting me!’ and we can ask God and our Guardian Angel for the specific help we need.”


Question 5:  “Do Catholics take ‘pride’ in inventing a New Word?”

Answer:  “Catholics take ‘pride’ in God for giving us a quick way to identify the demon trying to lead our soul to hell.”


Question 6:  “Do Catholics look at every human mind as a ‘battleground’ where evil demons wage unholy war to capture our soul?”

Answer:  “We are all fighting fallen angels trying to seize our souls.  ‘Peggals’ helps us identify the specific enemy attacking us.  That is always The First Step in winning The War for Our Soul.”


Question 7: “How does ‘peggals’ relate to Catholic Teaching?”

Answer:  “All Catholic Teaching comes from The Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ to His First Catholic Pope: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

One of those ‘keys’ is identifying specific attackers swarming against us from ‘the gates of hell’.  Then, we ask God to not let that attacking demon ‘prevail against’ our immortal soul.”


The New Catholic Word, “peggals”, is one of the great inventions of our time.  Every language needs its version of the word ‘peggals’.  Then, every Catholic in the world can identify which tribe of demons is attacking us and ask God’s help in winning that battle in The War for Our Soul.

Be the first to share the blessings of knowing and using the New Catholic Word, ‘peggals’, with your friends and family.

