“peggals” is an important New Catholic Word. So is “God’s Cast”.

Another New Catholic Word!  “God’s Cast” helps our mind and soul be “linked” to God.

Another New Catholic Word!  “God’s Cast” helps our mind and soul be “linked” to God.


Question 1:  “We know ‘peggals’ is an important New Catholic Word because it helps us identify which type of demon is trying to tempt us into the seven, specific deadly sins of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth.  Why is ‘God’s Cast’ another important New Catholic Word?”

Answer:  “The word ‘Cast’ in ‘God’s Cast’ reminds us there are Three Sources of  Truth working behind the scenes in God’s Big MovieCatholic angels, saints, and teachers in ‘God’s Cast’ give ‘links to God’ for ‘actors in God’s Big Movie’ who seek The Producer’s Truth.”


Question 2:  “Why do Catholic angels, saints, and teachers in ‘God’s Cast’ encourage actors in God’s Big Movie how to ‘be linked’ to God?”

Answer:  “Every being in ‘God’s Cast’ wants every person on earth to be Catholic enough to be ‘linked forever’ to the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus died to give to The First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 3:  “How do those in ‘God’s Cast’ do their soul-saving work?”

Answer:  “They do what we do!  When we who are made ‘in the image of God’ want to send someone a ‘copy’ of something in our mind, we put it on our computer.  Then, we copy, paste, and send a ‘link’ we hope will be ‘opened’ and examined.  Catholic Angels, Saints, and Teachers are living ‘links’ that let us ‘download posts’ of God’s Soul-Saving Love For Us in our minds.”


Question 4:  “Is This Life-Promising Catholic Teaching from Jesus a ‘Living Link’ to God that lets us have the eternal joy of ‘downloading Him’ into our ‘operating system’ by receiving Catholic Communion:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’?”

Answer:  “That ‘Living Link’ to God is so important that Jesus ‘downloaded’ That Holy ‘Link’ 12 times in John, 6 and twice more at His Last Supper!  Catholic priests are blessed with the power to ‘download’ God into Catholic minds, bodies, and souls who have been ‘linked’ to Him by Catholic Angels, Saints, and Teachers!”


Question 5:  “Do the forces of evil send out ‘links’ to hell?”

Answer:  “Every thought, word, or idea that keeps us from obeying Any Word of Jesus is a ‘link’ to hell.”


May all be blessed to realize:  “I see!  I know!  I understand! / I’ll be as Catholic as I can!”

