The world must suffer until the Pope and Bishops do what Mary wants.

Once again, Europe is being lost to Christ.  Invading Moslems take over more areas and institutions in every European nation.  No force in Europe  stops their expansion.  Every day, thousands more invade every country in Europe, swarming in from the economies their beliefs have destroyed in the Middle East.

They seem unstoppable.

At the same time, leftists who undermine marriage, procreation, decency, and life are ascendant in European and American governments.  Many on the left, paid pittances in bribes, will aid, and abet the Moslem takeover at the commands of those paying them their tiny bribes.  The world must suffer until the Pope and Bishops do what Mary wants.

The Moslem goal is clear:  complete dominance of the world.  Worldly governments come and go.  Monarchies, democracies, committees, commissars, and all manner of magic redistributionists  have appeared and vanished.  But, the Moslems just keep nibbling away.,  They are the sons of Ishmael and have become possessed by demons bent on destroying those descended from others, especially Jacob.  The world must suffer until the Pope and Bishops do what Mary wants.

In Heaven, God and His Holy Angels won the war against the devil and his minions.   While they are spoken of as “fallen” angels, the truth is, they were pushed.  St. Michael and the Heavenly Host were victorious in Heaven.

On earth, only The Catholic Church has the power to stop the crystallization of evil that has coalesced within our enemies.   Is anyone, or anything, trying to stop it?

Protestants are too fragmented to do anything.  Humanists are too uncertain to wage war.  Government officials worry too much about re-election to tell the truth and are too cowardly to actually do anything about protecting their people.

The Church has driven evils in the past.  Now, She appears to have Her head buried in the sand.  Why won’t The Church act?  Has The Body of Christ on Earth strayed?  There is no crystal-clear evidence that the  Popes have obeyed the Mother of their God, and their Mother.   She commanded them at Fatima 1n 1917 to consecrate Russia to Her and told them to reveal Her message to the world in 1960.

They refuse to follow Her orders in a clear, convincing manner.     As a result, it is reasonable to assume that She cannot help those who do not show openly that they obey Her.  So, we fall into greater death and destruction while falling ever faster into the growing possibility of annihilation.  The world must suffer until the Pope and Bishops do what Mary wants.  Why won’t they just do it?

Our only hope is that The Holy Father and the Bishops show us, and Her, that they obey.  Russia must be publicly and openly consecrated to The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the 3rd Secret must be revealed.  Why won’t they just do it?  She wants to help, but cannot until The Pope and Bishops are clearly and openly obedient.

If The Pope and Bishops will not clearly and openly obey, what will happen? You, and I, and our neighbors will continue to live our lives on earth with reduced help from Heaven.  The world must suffer until the Pope and Bishops do what Mary wants.  Pray that The Pope and Bishops will be obedient to the Mother of us All.
