To be saved, we must become as little children.

The Holy Fathers have not done as Mary requested.  They have not openly and clearly consecrated Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.  Nor have they released the 3rd Secret.   Therefore, they cannot be in a state of cheerful, total obedience to The Holy Mother.

And, more Catholics than ever are similarly disobedient.  “Why should I obey The Church’s teachings on birth control, or anything else,  if the Pope and Bishops don’t obey Mary?” 

Sophisticated thinkers make lots of excuses for disobedience.  We should endeavor not to emulate them in any area of our lives.  Instead, remember part of Today’s Reading, from Luke, 10:21

“At that very moment he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said,
‘I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
for although you have hidden these things
from the wise and the learned
you have revealed them to the childlike.'”

Pray that we do not seek excuses for disobeying our Beloved Mother.  Instead, cheerfully do Her will, trying to please her as a good child tries to please his or her mother.  Pray that the Pope and Bishops will do the same, rather than providing ongoing examples of open, public disobedience to what She clearly wants to have done.

Jesus has told us what we must do;  to be saved, we must become as little children.  If we do not, we make ourselves into orphans, denied access to our Father and Mother in Heaven.
