Conventional Reality compared to Catholic Fundamentalism.

Those who believe in Conventional Reality have developed a view of the world that sums up as follows:

“The universe is very old and appeared by accident, probably the result of a “big bang”.   Billions of years ago, various life forms came into being on our planet, which by some coincidence, had water, sunlight, and all that was necessary for life.  The complexity of these life forms increased  increased over time. 

     “We humans may be the most advanced life forms, but that doesn’t make us better, it only means that we should respect our fellow living beings and the planet that nurtures them.  We now know that we live in a delicately balanced universe.   We have evolved to the point that we are in danger of destroying the earth on which we live, so we have to be very careful.”

Conventional Reality compared to Catholic Fundamentalism:   Catholic Fundamentalism has another approach for our time, when the Iron Age has progressed to our Age of Programmed Electron Control:

“There is a Loving Programmer.  He can program particles and energies.  He and His programming assistants (angels) compiled those programs into systems and beings.  The Creation Program is like a computer-generated movie that’s been downloaded in actual 3-D.

     “Each of us humans is a lovingly written and downloaded program.  We have been lovingly  downloaded within The Creation Program with free will.  We can choose to believe and obey the Operating Instructions made available to us by The Loving Programmer.  Or, we can choose not to do so.  The Creation Program is so well written that no one is intellectually forced to believe in Him.   We freely choose to believe in and obey Him.   If we believe and obey, we may choose to do so sufficiently enough that our immortal souls, the essences of each human program, may be worthy of receiving enough mercy to attain and obtain the joyful eternity He provides for obedient believers.”

Conventional Reality, when compared to Catholic Fundamentalism, is tempting.   Why?  Conventional Reality appeals to human vanity and the here and now.  We may be helped in not deifying our own vanity by remembering that the very first of the The Loving Programmer’s  Operating Instructions is:   “Thou shall not believe that any other programmers are more powerful than I.”

We may prefer Conventional Reality.  It’s easier to believe that we came into being without The Loving Programmer.  It’s simpler to not have Him telling us what we should and shouldn’t do.  And, it’s eternally tempting for human programs to believe that “our greatest responsibility is to be true to ourselves.”  That’s what Conventional Reality teaches in every age.  Its many, many calls to elevate our vanity into deity are clearly emblazoned on huge billboards all along the broad path to destruction.

That’s Conventional Reality compared to Catholic Fundamentalism.  We are created beings.  Thinking that we are more is eternally dangerous.
