Why do we have this failure of government?

People in government frequently issue press releases informing us that they are “public servants”.  They frequently let us know that “We are here to serve the people.”

Recent storms in New England have knocked trees onto power lines.  The resulting power outages have kept millions of people from being able to keep warm.  Many have had to leave their homes.   Empty homes are being looted. Police protection is nil.

So, many people are staying in their homes to protect them.  They are without the light and heat they need.  In some areas, people are using apartment building hallways as toilets.  There is no running water.  The property losses are massive.

The government has sent FEMA employees out with notepads.  They are interviewing people and taking copious notes.  They have no food or batteries to distribute.   FEMA has run out of bottled water.  The government can’t even supply the most basic needs.

Why did this happen?  The losses were incurred because power line right of ways are not being kept clear of trees and branches.  Why?  Utility companies are fearful of environmental outrage.  And, they have a hard time dealing with property owners who insist, often angrily, “My trees must be saved!”.  Executives got tired of arguing.  They shrugged their shoulders.  Now, funds that used to be spent protecting power lines go into salaries.

So, power companies have been reducing expenditures.  Power lines are now vulnerable to branches and trees falling on them.  As a result, health and property losses are obvious.

Now, as we see political leaders racing to get on camera and appearing to care, do we hear a single one of them saying:  “We must have and enforce effective right of way clearances to protect health and property.”?

The answer is, unfortunately, “No.”

Why do we have this failure of government?  Why wouldn’t government officials want to protect health and property?  The answer is always the same:  any problem that’s solved quickly and effectively does not promote the growth of government.

So, we will continue to have unnecessary power outages, many lasting for weeks.  Why do we have this failure of government?  Now, we know.
