The Koch brothers are bad and the Castro brothers are good.

It’s amazing how often we’ve been hearing about how bad the Koch brothers are.  They have been reviled from the left, the far right, and by some in the middle.

In only a few years, the Brothers Koch have become the left’s favorite villains.  They are a testament as to how well people can be demonized.

As far as is known, the Koch brothers have never killed anyone.  The Castro Brothers, in nearby Cuba have killed tens of thousands.  That’s not important to liberals.  American leftists hate the Kochs and love the Castros.

The Koch brothers have not turned a single one of their properties into prison camps where those who disagree with them are starved, beaten, and tortured when they aren’t killed outright.  The Castro brothers, on the other hand, have hundreds of prisons.  They are filled with men, women, and children who have done nothing wrong except disagree with Fidel and Raul.  They are revered by American leftists who think the Koch brothers are bad and the Castro brothers are good.

The Koch brothers provide very good medical benefits for their associates.  The Castro brothers have filthy hospitals, devoid of modern equipment and medicine for all but themselves and their highest ranking henchmen.  That doesn’t matter to American leftists, who think the Koch brothers are bad and the Castro brothers are good.

The Koch brothers pay people to help them in their enterprises.  The Castro brothers dragoon people, and force them  into the fields at bayonet point to help with the sugar cane harvest that never quite seems to be what it should.   Is that why America’s left thinks the Koch brothers are bad and the Castro brothers are good?

The Koch brothers allow all their associates to attend whatever church they choose.  The Castro brothers have closed many of the churches in Cuba.  Still, most on the left agree that the Koch brothers are bad and the Castro brothers are good.

Those who work for the Koch brothers live in nice houses and drive nice cars and send their children to good schools and colleges.  Those in the Castro brothers’ vast prison camp live in shacks, drive no cars newer than 1957, and many of their daughters, sisters, and mothers end up as prostitutes.  American leftists love to vacation in Cuba  Those who do believe the Koch brothers are bad and the Castro brothers are good.

The Castro brothers have countless billions.  They’re two of the richest men on earth, with an entire country to loot and enslave.  That’s where the big money and power is.  The Castro brothers have tanks, fighter planes, and armed ships.  The Koch brothers have a lousy few billion dollars and not one squad of soldiers, not even a single infantryman, at their command.  They don’t have a single tank.  Not one arsenal full of poison gas.   Yet, leftists think the Koch brothers are bad and the Castro brothers are good.

Some people look at such realities, and conclude that that American and European leftists are deranged.  The more that leftists praise Cuba’s brutal goon squads, the loonier leftists appear to be.  They look even less rational when leftists see American businessmen who had the good fortune to inherit a huge oil business that they made bigger, and condemn them endlessly.

Many ask:  are leftist minds unhinged by envy?  Or, were leftists  just not too smart to start with?  Or, have they been worshiping strange gods and gone astray?  All three?  More?

