What is Simple Reason #2 to “Be Catholic”?
Question 1: “What is Simple Reason #2 to be Catholic?”
Answer: “The Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ! Like The Father, The Son has The Power to ‘Speak things into being’ as The Father did when He began downloading The Creation Program 13 trillion lightyears ago by saying: ‘Let there be light.’
Question 2: “Why did God do that?”
Answer: “His expanding universe keeps His beloved ‘Human Programs’ from seeing an end to God’s Power so that no one would be forced to believe in Him. All in His Time and Space is here to let every immortal soul choose to be forever with Him in Heaven.”
Question 3: “How do we find our way to God?”
Answer: “Those who understand that ‘Something cannot come from nothing.’ find The Miracle of His Jesus-Predicting Prophets, and The Coming of His Predicted Son to Earth, 2,000 years ago.
Since ‘Every Word’ of God is important, Catholics look ‘word by word’ at The Only Church-Creating Word of God’s Son to His First Catholic Pope in Mt. 16:18-20,
‘I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ :
Question 4: “Can every person on earth see what the Church-Creating Words of Jesus mean?”
Answer: ‘I say’ means that He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies, The Son of God, The Second Person of The Holy Trinity, is speaking.
‘unto you’ lets us know that He is Speaking to Peter, the Disciples with him, and to every person on earth who sees or hears His Word.
‘thou art Peter’ tells us He is changing the name and nature of one Disciple, Cephas, to Peter. The name ‘Peter’ means ‘rock’,
‘and on this rock’ means He is choosing Peter to be the solid, stone foundation on which;
‘I build My Church’ lets everyone know that He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies is building ‘One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church’. Those most respectful of Jesus are guided by The Simple Fact that Jesus did not say ‘churches‘.
‘and’ connects The Power of His Church-Creating Word to withstand:
‘the gates of hell’, which are every soul-devouring evil, and they
‘shall not prevail against it.’ tells us that no soul-devouring evil can overcome The Truth of Catholic Teachings. Jesus died to leave One Church on Earth for every person who obeys God’s First Commandment, ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’”
‘I give you’ means that Jesus is using His Power to give Catholics His eternal reward for being Catholic:
‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.'”
Question 5: “What happens to the immortal souls of those who intentionally reject The Only Church given the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”
Answer: “Catholics are blessed to understand The Simple Fact: That decision is made by The Same Jesus Who told us in John 15:14, ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’”
Today’s Simple Rhyme: “May God be pleased enough with me / to give me Heaven’s precious ‘keys’.”