How amazingly widely the Global Warming Fraud has spread.

Once an Imaginary Problem gains traction, it spreads.  The speed with which an Imaginary Problem spreads is directly related to how much money it can generate.

Generally, there are two groups who profit from an Imaginary Problem.

1.  Those who are paid for inventing, magnifying, and spreading the problem.

2.  Those providing a good or service whose profit margins will be increased if the problem meets the goal of every Imaginary Problem:  to be scary, worrisome, or frightening enough to prompt legislation requiring transfers of money to the providers.

When we want to analyze an Imaginary Problem like Global Warming, we can see how it has spread.  This link, is to John Brignell’s “Numberwatch”, one of the great websites.  Professor Brignell, unlike most of his contemporaries, is a brilliant engineer who has not sold out for the quick money given to those who invent, magnify, and spread an Imaginary Problem.

Professor Brignell merely reports the facts.  In this case, he lets us know how amazingly widely the Global Warming fraud has spread:

You will not be sorry to have seen for yourself how amazingly widely the Global Warming Fraud has spread.
