Nanny v. Us, The Nanny Scams.

Nanny scams are everywhere.  Why?  Nanny wants money.  Since Nanny has gone to college, Nanny feels entitled to a good salary whether or not Nanny adds value to anything or anyone.

Some people want to make a living by providing goods or services that people need or want.  Nanny just wants money.   Nanny will lie to get it.  If lies aren’t enough, Nanny will fine us, put us in jail, or, even kill us.  That’s why it’s Nanny v. Us, The Nanny Scams.

Nanny looks at what people do, and says:  “Those disgusting people are eating, drinking, breathing, lighting, heating, cooling, dressing, mining, driving, flying, sailing, washing, planting, harvesting, building, and tearing down.  There’s billions of them, all doing things.  If we make them give us money every time they do anything, we don’t have to do real work!”

Us didn’t notice.  Gradually, Nanny has gained the ability to tax and regulate almost every human activity.  Life is more expensive for Us.

Everything has the Nanny-costs added to it.  Every product we buy and every service we need is more expensive than it would be without countless Nannies taking a little off the top of each transaction.

Since things are so complicated, it’s almost impossible to calculate the entire Nanny-cost added to, for instance, a car or house.  We need cars and houses.  We do not always think we need children.

Nanny doesn’t think we need children, either.  “If those disgusting people have children, they won’t be working and paying taxes.  Let’s tell the fools that the world is overpopulated.  Then, we can make them feel guilty for having children.  The dumber ones will believe us.  They will keep working and paying the taxes we need.”

Lots of selfish people agree.  In the ongoing battle of Nanny v. Us, The Nanny Scams, we are losing.  We have stopped having children.  Our lives are emptier than ever.

Does Nanny notice?  Of course.  Does Nanny care?  Of course not.  Nannies in one area aren’t allowed to criticize Nannies in other realms of uselessness.   Nannies stick together.  We grow ever poorer.  Nanny doesn’t care.  Nanny gets automatic increases in pay, benefits, and pensions.

Still, Nanny isn’t happy.  Nanny just needs “a little bit more”.
