Catholic Fundamentalism Questions and Answers.

Questioner:  I can see the layers of rock.  I have seen fossils.  I know a little about carbon-14.  Why should I believe in a recent creation?

Catholic Fundamentalism:  The Loving Programmer downloaded those programs within The Creation Program so that we, His beloved human programs, would have free will.

Questioner:  Why would He want us to have free will?

Catholic Fundamentalism:  He wanted every human program, not just the more intelligent ones, to be equally able to make the correct choices to have joy with Him, in Heaven, forever.

Questioner:  How long did it take Him to write and download The Creation Program?

Catholic Fundamentalism:  His First Programming Log, that people still call The Old Testament, says that it took Him six days to download The Creation Program.

Questoner:  How did He do it?

Catholic Fundamentalism:  The Loving Programmer programs with particles and energies, not just with the binary code that we humans use.  He can program the building blocks of particles and energies, compile them into systems and beings, and download them within The Creation Program.  Since He had to make The Creation Program look as if could be very old, it was a very complicated Program.

Questioner:  Did He do it by Himself?

Catholic Fundamentalism:  One of the first things He programmed and downloaded were The Programming Assistants.  People still refer to them as “angels”.  They were assigned different duties.   Some copied and pasted galaxy programs throughout the Sky Program.  Others worked on tiny things.  Some, plants.  Some, animals.  Some specialists worked on teeth.  Others, on fangs.  Some worked on hair and scales.

Questioner:  How many angels, er, Programming Assistants,  helped Him?

Catholic Fundamentalism:  I don’t mean to sound smart, but He programmed and downloaded as many as were necessary to get the job done.

Questioner:  Why doesn’t The Roman Catholic Church recognize Catholic Fundamentalism?

Catholic Fundamentalism:  The Church does recognize Catholic Fundamentalism.  It just does so with words from the Iron Age.  The older Catholics are more comfortable with them.
