Question 1: “To start, What is ‘The First Day of Epiphany’?”
Answer: “The First Day of Epiphany is January 6, when God revealed Himself for the first time to people who were not Jewish. The first Gentiles to see God’s Power to fulfill over 300 Prophecies about His Coming to Earth were Astronomers from Babylon. Their studies of Constellations moving across the Heavens for the previous 2,000 years told them: ‘Something BIG is about to happen!’
The Three Wise Men were blessed to connect what they saw in the sky with The Prophecy in Micah, 5:2: ‘The Messiah will be born in the tiny village of Bethlehem.’ Three high-level officials of The Parthian Empire began their three-month journey to Israel. Soldiers guarded them and the gifts they were bringing to The God they knew was coming to earth in Human Form.”
Question 2: “Do Catholics understand The Messianic Prophecies were fulfilled The First Day of Epiphany?”
Answer: “‘Epiphany’ comes from The Latin Word ‘manifestare’, which means ‘made public’. God ‘made Himself Public’ in Human Form at The Manger in Bethlehem. For the first time in History, Gentiles could see that God had ‘made Himself public’ to let the entire world see His Power to Provide and Fulfill Prophecies.“
Question 3: “What is The Last Day of Epiphany?”
Answer: “When our soul leaves our body, it stands before He Who gave His Life to Fulfill The Prophecies. Brightly shining souls have gratefully obeyed The Church-Creating Word of Jesus to His First Catholic Pope: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’
Souls too darkened by sin reject those ‘keys’.”
Question 4: “Why did God make a universe that is 13 trillion light years old and 26 trillion light years from one side to another so we could get the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”
Answer: “God could not give us Free Will unless He gave us a universe in which no one could see an end to His Power. The more we know, the more His Power is Manifest. The ‘Manifestation’ of His Power took Human Form at the manger in Bethlehem.”
Question 5: “Is The Vastness of Time and Space a cosmic pun in which God had us begin the word ‘manifest’ with the syllable ‘man’ that Catholics could connect to Jesus and many Holy Festivals?”
Answer: “Catholics can see why Dante called his understanding of God and His Work: ‘The Divine Comedy’.
Catholics are living answers to those who are asked what may be The World’s Most Important Question in 1 John 5:5; ‘Beloved, Who indeed is victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is The Son of God?’”
Catholics are blessed to answer the most important question of all by responding: “Me! I’m Catholic!”
Today’s Simple Rhyme: “May all be blessed to understand / And be with God in His Promised Land. / Forever.”