Did anything good come from Vatican II?

Catholic Fundamentalism believes The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program so that it erases or corrects its own errors and excesses.   When the sun puts out too much energy, a damping mechanism is programmed to kick in, and we see the number of sunspots decrease.  If the earth grows colder or warmer than He wants, regulating processes are programmed to work, and there is a return to average temperatures.

The Loving Programmer has written and downloaded similar self-correcting mechanisms in us humans, His beloved free-will programs.   He has written and downloaded very special programs for us human programs and our institutions.  Catholic Fundamentalism calls these programs “Automated Garden Weeding Programs”

The first manifestation of the Automated Garden Weeding Programs took place in the beta site of The Creation Program.   Eden was a smaller program than the larger, more automated, updated versions of The Creation Program that He later downloaded.  There were just a few dozen acres in the first Garden Program, and all the necessary mineral, plant, and animal programs.

Adam loved The Loving Programmer and the Garden Program He’d written and downloaded.  He and God used to talk every day until the cows, as Adam called them, came home.  Then, Eve, the second human program, was written and downloaded so the human programs could, if they wanted, choose to copy and paste their programs in time and space.

Eve disobeyed The Loving Programmer’s Operating Instructions.  Then, she encouraged Adam to disobey.  Both were stunned when they discovered that The Loving Programmer’s had an Automated Garden Weeding Program and that it began to run when human programs freely chose to disobey their operating instructions.   The Garden was  programmed to be self-weeding from the beginning.

The Automated Garden Weeding Program kicked in later, and Cain was sent away for killing his brother.   When people kill or hurt their neighbors, they are still  “weeded” from the Garden.  They are put into jails where they can’t harm others in The Garden.

When large scale criminals are at work, whether slave owners in America’s South, murderers and looters with political power in socialist empires, or manic social programs that do more harm than good, the Automated Garden Weeding Program begins to run, sometimes on a global scale.

Do The Loving Programmer’s Automated Garden Weeding Programs apply to Vatican II?  It appears that He wanted to provide every self-righteous, pseudo-intellectual, self-centered Catholic in the world with the opportunity to ingest a wide variety of rotten apples.

Will those who did so much harm to The Church after gorging themselves on their own self-righteousness be evicted from this Garden and denied entrance to the Garden beyond?

May one ask for, and receive a vision of the destructive Catholics whose teachings resulted in the world’s empty convents, monasteries, and seminaries and actually see the souls responsible flicked screaming into the flames below?

On seeing that vision, or realizing that it is an eminently reasonable thing to conclude would be visible if we saw on a holier wavelength, we may, in a burst of understanding, realize the answer to “Did anything good come from Vatican II?” is  “Yes!  We got to see that The Loving Programmer’s Automated Garden Weeding Program still works.”

