Catholic Fundamentalism’s new way of visualizing Christ’s Power and Position:

What’s the point of encouraging the point of view that Jesus Christ, the Second Person of The Holy Trinity, may be visualized as the entirety of The Creation Program in human form?

That view helps us see His awesome power and position.  And, as the two previous postings indicate, this new viewpoint also helps us understand some very difficult Scriptural passages.
We will consider the hard-to-understand passages from 1 Colossians 1:17-20.  In doing so, we will see that it makes perfect sense to think of Christ as The Creation Program in human form.

1 Colossians 1:17  “He is before all things, and by Him all things hold together.”  When we consider Christ as The Creation Program in perfect, obedient, human form, we see that describing Him as “The Creation Program in perfect, obedient, human form” fits the passage.  He, as The Creation Program, came “before all things”.  Since each sub-Program in The Creation Program works as part of the entire Creation Program, “by Him all things hold together.”  No other interpretation fits so well as the Catholic Fundamentalism position that Jesus Christ The Creation Program in perfect, obedient, human form.

1 Colossians 1:18-19  “And He is the head of the body, the Church, Who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He may hold the primacy:  Because in Him, it hath well pleased the Father, that all fullness should dwell;”   We clearly see that He, head of the Church, should dwell” (in Jesus Christ, The Creation Program in perfect, obedient, human form.)  How can there be more than “all fullness”?

We see more evidence for the Catholic Fundamentalism position in the conclusion of the passages:

1 Colossians 1:20  “And through Him to reconcile all things unto Himself, making peace through the blood of His cross, both as to the things that are on earth, and the things that are in heaven.”   Once again, we see that in The Creation Program, that were programmed.  The passages make it clear that Jesus Christ, The Creation Program in perfect, obedient, human form, has united all that there is, on Heaven and earth, Programmer and programmed.

Why did He do all this?  Why go through all the trouble and awful suffering?  Because He loves us.  So does Mary, who, Queen of All Fullness, did as God asked, thereby letting Him save us all.  Pity the poor people who do not ask her for help as they navigate their way through The Creation Program, unaware of the guidance and assistance available to those who believe, obey, and ask for help.

We can but hope that those lost in our modern world of computers, programs, and communication can access the help from above by seeing The Father as The Loving Programmer.  We understand more by thinking of The Son as The Creation Program Who took perfect, obedient, human form.  Our vision is improved by conceiving of The Holy Spirit as The Holy Wireless Connector, joining all who choose to believe and obey.

