Two irrational reasons not to be Catholic.

Many do not want to be Catholic.  Here are two irrational reasons not to be Catholic:

1. “The Roman Catholic Church started the Crusades, and killed millions of people.”  This is popular, particularly among self-styled “intellectuals”.  Over the centuries, there were several Crusades in response to frequent, organized coastal attacks by powerful Mohammedan fleets.

Why?  Moslem soldiers and sailors looted, killed, captured, enslaved, and sold European captives taken as far away as the South coast of England.  The only way to stop them was armed intervention.   Over several centuries, a few Popes and Kings of Christendom defended their lands and peoples by daring to fight back.  The Crusades, from that standpoint, were a good thing.  The Crusades continue to be hated by Moslems with no other way to enrich themselves than by plundering Christian nations.  Anti-Catholics who do not understand that have chosen to ignore rational perspective.

Another popular reason not to be Catholic is frequently repeated with a sense of practiced outrage:

2.  “The Roman Catholic Church began The Inquisition.  It killed millions of people.” Many take pride in preceding that announcement with thoughts or words to the effect that “I am an independent thinker who is not enslaved by Christian doctrine”.  In actual fact, the Inquisition lasted 350 years.  During those three and a half centuries, approximately 3,500 people were executed.  That’s about ten deaths per year.  That’s less than one per month.  And, many of the executed were done away with by corrupt auth0rities who pretended to be part of the Inquisition.

Those who justify anti-Catholicism by The Inquisition do not let themselves rationally consider that, in the United States alone, more than 3,500 unborn babies are aborted every day. And, they do not let themselves seriously consider that the largest organization on earth trying to stop that slaughter of innocents is the Roman Catholic Church.  Those who refuse to let themselves see the total truth of their position condemn themselves by having freely chosen to commit the sin of avoiding rational perspective.

Every lost soul is characterized by a mind and mental process that has lost rational perspective.  Popular anti-Catholic justifications show a lack of rational perspective.  Lack of rational perspective is the universal characteristic of those strutting down the broad path to destruction.

People lose their souls because they lose rational perspective.  To save our souls, we must choose rational perspective.

