The advantages of seeking God’s Wisdom.

Every Word of Jesus is a "Pearl of Wisdom" for Catholics.

Every Word of Jesus is a “Pearl of Wisdom” for Catholics.


Question 1:  “Why should we ‘seek God’s Wisdom’?”

Answer:  “The Book of Sirach, 4:11-19 explains what ‘Wisdom’ is and does:  First, we see that ‘Wisdom breathes life into her children’.  At the same time, ‘Wisdom’ also:  ‘admonishes those who seek her.'”


Question 2:  “How can we identify a person who has and loves ‘wisdom’?

Answer:    “Those blessed with ‘wisdom’ are all ‘Pro-Life’.   That is clear in 4:12;  ‘He who loves Wisdom loves life;  those who seek her will be embraced by the Lord.’ “

Then, God promises more for those with ‘wisdom’:  ‘He who holds her fast inherits glory;  wherever he dwells, The Lord bestows blessings.  Those who serve her serve The Holy One; those who love her, The Lord loves.’


Question 3:  “What happens to people and peoples who lose ‘wisdom’?”

Answer:  “‘If anyone fails her, she will abandon them and deliver him into the hands of despoilers.’


Question 4:  “How can we tell if we are blessed with ‘wisdom’?”

Answer:  “Those blessed with ‘wisdom’ will ‘possess’ the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’. These ‘keys’ are given to the ‘wise’ by The Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ to His First Catholic Pope:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 5:  “Do those who are ‘wise’ live by This Word of He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies in Mark 9:38-40:  ‘I am the way and the truth and the life, says The Lord;  no one comes to The Father except through Me.’?”

Answer:  “It is hard, if not impossible, for a ‘wise’ person to read that and not be Catholic.”


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “May Every Word of Jesus help me find / The Truth of His Great Church within my mind.”

