We are used to having our income taxed. And, we are used to paying taxes on inheritances. We also pay taxes on many things that we buy.
Governments use taxes to raise money. Special Interests use governments to raise money for them. For instance, electricity from a large nuclear power plant costs about two cents/kilowatt hour. Wind energy costs over a dollar/kwh.
No one in their right mind would rather pay fifty times more for electricity. So, those in the wind power business give money to legislators. “We need carbon-neutral power to stop global warming.” After long, expensive campaigns to convince people that Global Warming is real, legislation is proposed that forces people to buy a certain amount of power from wind power companies.
Those who buy such votes from legislators get very rich. They use a tiny percentage of what they receive to maintain and get more legislation passed that forces more people to overpay for what they are selling.
Other groups have done the same thing to make us spend money for ethanol in our gasoline, even though it ruins many engines designed to run on gasoline. They are interests that are “special”.
Every time a law is passed that transfers income from taxpayers to a small number of “special” beneficiaries without fully helping the taxpayers, corruption is in control. We may be fortunate enough to realize that nearly every law is passed with that in mind. The logical implication is a painful lesson: Much that is draped in law is no more than organized stealing. Bad laws take from taxpayers without providing benefits.
That, dear friends, is the way things are. Why? Because The Loving Programmer has given us free will. We are either part of the corruption, or we are not. Corruption exists to separate weeds from wheat, sheep from goats. The Garden is self-weeding. Each human program has free will. Each person choose to believe and obey the Command to love God and neighbor, or not.
What is the best thing we can do when we become aware of how corrupt most government is? Become a Roman Catholic. If we do not, we may become angry when we become aware of corruption. We might start to hate our neighbors as we become aware of their participation in scams, even common ones like some areas of public education. Worse, we may say to ourselves, “If everyone else is lying and cheating, I might as well, too.”
Governments always fall. The fall is accelerated by corruption. We don’t know when the collapse is coming. It’s best not to be in the building.