Malthus was a great fraud, but loved by the Culture of Death.

The Culture of Death will encourage, and embrace, anyone or any thought that justifies more death.  Malthus was a typical Protestant clergyman possessed by a desire to seem “intellectual”.  He came up with the half-baked theory that too many people caused mass starvation and extinction.

The Culture of Death still praises Malthus.  Many mindless repeat the latest alarms and fears to justify childlessness, forcing more malaria deaths in the 3rd world, mindless regulations, and abortion.

This is what a large increase in population does:


As we see, in 75 years, the world’s populations went from two billion to seven billion.  And, the price of commodities dropped.  What had cost 300 dollars in 1935 cost a little over a hundred in 2013.  Malthus was utterly and completely wrong, as are those who believe his theories.

Still, those in the Culture of Death continue to complain and whine.  As the wrongness of their position becomes increasingly apparent, the depth and complexity of their lies increases.  They sink farther and farther into the lunacy that is unavoidable as the distance from human program to The Loving Programmer increases.
