How child molesters got into The Church.

Old sins cast long shadows.  Bella Dodd was the 3rd or 4th ranking person in the U.S. Communist Party hierarchy in the 1930s and 40s.

Bella Dodd left the Communist Party and became a Roman Catholic in the early 1950s.  She testified about Communist attempts to undermine the United States and the other Western democracies.  Her book, “Heart of Darkness”, is available on the internet, sometimes as a free download.

She described in detail why the Communist Party wanted to destroy The Church.  To paraphrase:

“The Roman Catholic Church had helped to defeat communism in the Spanish Civil War.  The Party understood that The Church brought people together against communism.  So, the Communist Party committed itself and its vast resources to destroying The Church.”

Bella Dodd gave insider details about the Party’s war against The Church:   “In the 1930s, the Communist Party put 1100 of our own people into the priesthood.  They were trained and funded to do whatever they could to destroy The Church from within.”

Communist agents were skilled organizers.  They not only had access to Russian funds, but also, to money that could be skimmed and stolen from the very churches and dioceses where they worked.  Many got themselves promoted into every possible position of authority.  They hired and promoted as many fellow travelers as they could to further weaken and destroy The Church at every level.

They were like cancer cells, invading a body with few defenses.

Wolves in sheep’s clothing did everything they could to scandalize The Church.  They endorsed insanity, like “liberation theology” and “land reform”.   Leftist academics distanced people from God by replacing Creation with theories of evolution and “big bangs”.  And, the Culture of Death got child molesters, like ticking time bombs, placed within The Church.

Attempts were made to get rid of abusers.  They were stonewalled by lawyers and psychological excuses.  Medical “experts” often  announced that molesters had been “cured”.   Many who sought forgiveness were, unfortunately, believed by those whose jobs involved forgiveness.  Like vicious animals, some molesters returned to prey upon helpless children.

At the same time, child molesters sought legal standing.  “We have rights, too.  And, we have psychological handicaps and disabilities.  Our behavior isn’t our fault.”   Legal systems made it very hard to get rid of them, especially in dioceses where the Communists’ organizing skills had infiltrated every level.

The Culture of Death’s huge propaganda/educational machine attacked The Church.  She was blamed for being “too intolerant in Her position against sin”.  Simultaneously, The Church was reviled for being too tolerant when dealing with child molesters.  A fawning media fanned flames of outrage, blaming The Church rather than those who’d infiltrated  promoted such evil.

But, progress is being made.  Evil people are being removed from positions of authority.  It is a slow process, made slower by complicated legal systems, hungry lawyers, and ambitious prosecutors

The Culture of Death discovered an unexpected treasure trove of souls:  Many Catholics left The Church without looking at the cause of the molestation.   Once they leave The Church, most move farther from salvation.

Another success for the Culture of Death?  Its minions have destroyed an entire nation’s sense of proportion.  The 20,000 alleged molestations over sixty years was truly awful, but in no way compares to the deaths of 500,000,000,000 unborn children at the hands of abortionists, currently going on at the rate of 3,500 a day in the United States,alone.

By being led to focus outrage on The Church, rather than on the tiny handful of vicious saboteurs while ignoring the much greater sin of mass murder, many Catholics lost both proportion and their souls.  Either way, the culture of death is happy.

How child molesters got into The Church.  The forces of evil put them there.  Bella Dodd told us why and how.  Old sins cast long shadows.
