Solving a great mystery: What are Christ’s “least commandments”?

In Matthew, the first of the Gospels, Jesus says:  “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholic Fundamentalism respectfully suggests that it is important to work on:   Solving a great mystery:  What are Christ’s “least commandments”?

Such a suggestion would be useless without a solution.

The “least commandments” are the instructions He left to guide people who would choose to enjoy the fullness of faith in this life and the next.  The “least commandments” require a degree of belief in what He wants, which requires more faith than doing what He more explicitly commands.  The “least commandments” are the instructions He left regarding The Sacraments that His Church would provide to the saved of all ages.

On the Sacrament of Communion, two of the “least commandments” are given in John.  The first “least commandment”, John 6:43, commanded the Jews to “stop complaining”.   Really, can anything in history be more bizarre than telling Jews to “stop complaining”?  But, that’s what He did.  In every age, including our own, “stop complaining”, that most basic of the “least commandments” applies to all who quibble.  Then, He repeated what had caused their complaining in John 6:53:  “I tell you most solemnly, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you do not have life in you.”

That’s about as clear as any instruction gets.  And, throughout Chapter 6, the “least commandment”, “eat My Body and drink My Blood” is repeated, several times.  Those who obey this “least commandment” know there is only one way to be obedient:  We must receive Communion in a Roman Catholic Church.  What of those who don’t want to do that?

Then, we may ask them to kindly consider the “least Commandment” that appears in John 15:14:  “You are my friends if you do what I command you.”

If we refuse to do what He commands us, can we avoid being numbered among His enemies?

Smartest thing to do?  Follow “least commandment” #1, and stop complaining.  Then, obey “least commandment #2, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.” and receive Communion in a Roman Catholic Church.  Then, you will be in accord with “least commandment #3, and will stop being His enemy.  Instead, you will be His friend because “You are My friends if you do what I command you.”

Start with, “least commandment” #1.  Stop complaining!  Then, follow the instructions His Blessed Mother gave to the waiters at The Wedding Feast of Cana in her “least c0mmandment” to we who strive to obey His operating instructions:  “Just do what He tells you.”
