Why are we led to believe in global warming?

Frauds like Global Warming exist to provide more souls with free will.  Those who use such frauds to hurt their neighbors have an opportunity to do so.

Modern nations are addicted to electricity.  In the 1950s, governments took control of nuclear generating capacity.  Soon, nuclear reactors were producing inexpensive electricity.  Even today, power from a nuclear plant costs less than two cents/KWH.

Power from coal-fired generators costs about a nickel KWH.

Why are we led to believe in global warming?  Why are we endlessly told “We need green, renewable wind power to stop global warming!”?   Wind power costs a dollar/KWH when it’s backed up with complicated standby generators and complicated switching gear.

The government is against building more nuclear plants and is in favor of more wind power.  Global warming is one excuse.

It is insane.  When anyone with a three digit IQ looks at the numbers, they want to cover their heads and run screaming from the lies.  It’s worse when we realize there’s been no increase in global temperature for 17 years.

The explanation for the insanity of replacing 2 cent/KWH power with $1.00/KWH power and having it justified by such obvious lies as those about global warming?


For every kilowatt hour that can be said to be wind-generated, consumers can be charged a dollar.  Authorized wind generators are allowed to charge one dollar for the electricity produced from a nuclear generator for two cents.    So, more and more wind farms are built.  Few of them put out useful, consistent power.  They frequently break down, and are, in fact,  colossal wastes of money.

Most of the electricity for which we are charged continues to be produced by coal and nuclear power plants at low rates.  We are charged at higher rates for unreachable, theoretical maximum wind outputs that never come close to matching the tiny power actually generated by windmills.

The big difference between the “under a nickel/KWH” cost of nuclear or coal power and the dollar/KWH costs of wind energy provides HUGE bribes to media, academia, political candidates, and anyone else smart enough to want to be paid for getting behind “clean, green energy”.

It’s a tempting fraud.  Lots of lies are told, and believed.  The “popular”  science and mechanics magazines endlessly trumpet the advantages of some soon-to-be-perfected variant of green power.   Other media is awash in paid press releases that the gullible mistake for breathless “news” about “escaping the dangers of Global Warming!”  Those involved at the higher levels of the fraud go from millionaire to billionaire.

Soon, all our souls go to Judgment.  Then, those involved in such frauds do not do so well.  The Accountant in the Sky knows exactly how much damage they have done.  An accounting is made.  There is some Heavenly balancing between pain meted out to those whose lies brought pain, poverty, and lack of prosperity to their earthly neighbors.

Such pain can be unbearable.  Forever.

After sin reaches a certain point, sinners no longer believe it’s necessary to ask for mercy.  So, they get justice.  The sinners in schism were less likely to understand that they had sinned.  Without confession, they had no way to actually verbalize the enormity of their lies, and walked into greater darkness.  Environmental frauds would be reduced if more people associated with them became observant Catholics.

Those who strive to love our neighbors do good to those who hurt them are granted mercy.
