Why would anyone reject The Catholic Church?

It is an absolute wonder that more Protestants do not become Catholics.  The Bible is a map that leads directly from wherever a person is straight to The Catholic Church.

We who have made the journey forget that the only hard part was the beginning.

A seedling does not enjoy being plucked from its tiny pot and put into the Garden.  Fear keeps many seedlings from doing what is necessary to grow.  “I don’t think I’ll like it, there.  Bugs will eat me.  Or, those vicious rabbits.  I’d rather stay in my little pot in the greenhouse.”

To be Catholic is to have roots grow down to beginning.  It is to have leaves higher, closer to the sun.

To be Catholic is everything.  It is to bring the truth of Jesus into us: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”

Why would anyone choose to reject that?  Why would anyone reject The Catholic Church?

