Important dates in Catholic Fundamentalism:
6-15,000 B.B. The Creation Program was downloaded, probably in increments, beginning with The Garden of Eden. Once The Loving Programmer’s free-will creatures proved that The Creation Program gave them free will, even to the extent that they could deny He Who they knew programmed and downloaded them, they were driven away from The Loving Programmer and into The Creation Program. There, they would choose to believe and obey, or not.
5,000 BC: Early free will programs began writing and downloading simple programs of their own, by 5,000 BC. Pots, swords, buildings, gold, silver, horses, and grain were put to work.
1850 BC: Abraham arrives in Canaan. His family multiplies. They eventually move to Egypt, and end up working for the government.
1250 BC: Moses leads the 12 Tribes out of Egypt and into freedom.
1250-1025 BC: The Judges rule the 12 Tribes.
1025 BC: The Tribes ask The Loving Programmer for a king. “We don’t trust you, any more, God. We want a king, even if he enslaves us. ” First, God gave them Saul, then David.
1000 BC: David is in charge and captures Jerusalem.
931 BC: Solomon’s bureaucracy is so desperate for funding he raises taxes through the roof. The Northern Tribes revolt, invent their own religion, the first Protestants.
720 BC: The Protestants were defeated, deported into the North. Many maintain some tribal identities, move outward from the Caucasus Mountains, many into Europe. There, as Scythians, Celts, Goths, Saxons, Normans, and others, the 10 Tribes take over vast tracts of Europe.
586 BC: The Southern Kingdom, weakened by the loss of those who revolted rather than pay Solomon’s high taxes, was captured by Babylonians. It’s people were deported to Babylon.
538 BC: Cyrus, having taken over Babylon, releases the Jews. Some return to Jerusalem.
500 BC: The Temple is rebuilt.
323 BC: Alexander dies. His generals take over the empire.
250-167 BC: Greeks running things, Jewish practices attacked, faithful Jews threatened with extermination.
165 BC: Mattathias Maccabee and his sons lead a revolt against the Greek Selueucids.
142 BC: Jews are now self-ruling.
44 BC: Caesar assassinated.
4 AD: Jesus born.
27 AD: John the Baptist is telling people to get ready for Jesus Christ. “He s coming very soon.”
The next fifteen hundred years are spent spreading Catholicism throughout Europe.
1517 AD: Luther nails his objections to the Church door.
1917 AD: Year of Fatima
1960 AD: Year that The Blessed Mother asked that the Third Secret be released. The Church turns its face from The Blessed Mother’s request for action.
1973 AD: Abortion legalized, unborn children killed to balance the books of nations sinking into child sacrifice.
Mohammedan invasions of formerly Catholic nations, now with Babylonian governments, begins.
Old Testament records may help us see how long a time between the prophecies were made and the disasters fell. We know that Mary’s wishes should be honored on earth by The Church she made possible.