Nanny Loves Making Things Worse! Imagine What Adding Sprinkler Costs Will Do To This Housing Chart:

Total Housing Starts and Single Family Housing Starts

We see that housing starts dropped by 75% in three years, from two million in the beginning of 2007 to 500,000 at the beginning of ’10.  When we factor in a brand new price increase for adding useless sprinkler systems to each new house, we realize that extra cost will keep more people from building.

That will destroy more construction jobs.  Nanny likes that!  “There’s too much building.  Houses are already too big.  We should be living in tents, anyway, so that we can live near our food sources.”

The chart also allows us to extrapolate:  for every million people who were formerly employed in the construction industry, there are less than a quarter of a million now working.
