The following quote was taken from a posting on It’s a new (to me) theory that allows us to escape obligations that have been illicitly put on us by those in authority:
“‘Obligations that are odious should not be honoured.’ So says the Doctrine of Odious Debts, a theory first postulated by Russian legal scholar Alexander Sack in 1927 that is now increasingly accepted by international bodies such as the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund, as well as by today’s legal scholars.”
“Obligations that are odious should not be honored.” is a little bit vague. Considering the source, it is certainly not intended to justify taking a single penny from a single bureaucrat. But, since we have been given this wonderful legal theory by our dear friends on the left, it does seem applicable to we taxpayers who are being impoverished to pay for the grotesquely large pension obligations that have been odiously visited upon us.
There are other “odious obligations that should not be honored.” We should be able to escape any obligations, like carbon credits or treaties demanding any monetary transfers caused by or related to them, that are based on junk science. Few things could be more odious than having to pay ten or twenty times more for bio-fuels, wind energy, and solar power.
“Odious obligations should not be honored” is is a wonderful theory. If we could only get the left to apply their principles universally enough to cover us ordinary citizens, the world would truly be a better place. That’s not likely to happen. Their principles benefit only themselves. They don’t love their neighbors nearly enough to do anything more.