Big Lies, Big Money.

The size of a lie is directly proportional to the amount of money to be made from it. The recent Global Warming Lies made millions for those behind it. One man walked off with nearly a hundred million from just one “Carbon Exchange” before it collapsed. The famed Al Gore pocketed almost three million dollars from the same “business”.

Bigger than the Global Warming lies, though related to them, are the “Oil is a Fossil Fuel” lies. The truth is that oil is endlessly and copiously produced by naturally-forming hydrocarbons pushed toward the surface by the operation of the uranium/thorium reactor that is at the earth’s core. We are never, never told that “There’s plenty of oil. Almost every place you drill for it, you find it.

Instead, we are told a breathless lie: “We are about to run out of oil!” The “running out of oil” lies have been with us for a century. They used to serve the function of allowing existing fields to pay back the drilling costs before new wells were drilled, lowering the price and putting the prior investment at risk.

Now, oil has become so important that legislators all over the world are bribed by oil producers not to drill for oil. The Global Warmers willingly supply the latest lies about “reducing oil usage to save disappearing fossil fuels ” in order to maintain cash flows to existing producers.

The people who understand that we are being fed a steady diet of alarmist drivel in order to prop up prices for existing oil producers have the highest 1%-5% of IQs. The rest? Sheep to be shorn.

The poor simples are drawn ever more deeply into the mire of fraud. They write and read endless articles about “What Will Replace Oil?”. Then, they are led with more lies to mindlessly take on the guilt for causing the problem: “Will Our Oil Addiction Ever End?”, or “What You Can do to Help With the Oil Crisis”. Thousands upon thousands of similar “news” releases, all of them condensed, self-serving bilge, are spewed down upon gullible people.

Is there a solution? We can pray that each of us is able to tell a little truth to at least a few people.
