Science has Politicized Itself to the Point That it’s Less Believable Than Ever.

Government has become the overwhelming source of science funding. Those who successfully seek such funds have learned that their continued success depends on providing the results desired by those who fund them.

Thus, in the case of Global Warming, we see that global temperatures are hidden, falsified, and lied about so that those who profit from the fraud can make up scary fairy tails about coming destruction. In the process, the cleverest among them make a great deal of money. Fewer and few people are fooled by this, and the number of Global Warming believers is increasingly concentrated among the those of lower intellectual ability.

We find that political correctness has made it increasingly difficult to answer a question like “What is the life span of a male homosexual?” Research on the subject was allowed to be done in the past, and it was found that the average age of homosexual death was in the early forties. Others concluded that their average age of death came in their early fifties. Now, political correctness has made such information very hard to get, and the desire to find out ages of death is promptly labeled as a “manifestation of homophobia”.

Any studies that do not reach conclusions that are politically correct enough are ignored because of “bias” and “prejudice” and “suspected, if not real, homophobia”. It’s hard to avoid asking if those who truly hate homosexuals are the ones who want them to go on dying younger than necessary and to keep that happening, avoid the research necessary to persuade them to modify their behavior to live longer.

The best thing about what some call “science whores” who race to justify every fraud-based alarm from dioxin to Ozone Holes is that science’s corruption has become obvious as its respectability has dwindled. The Church, on the other hand, goes on, telling us to love God and our neighbors. Rather than million dollars salaries and accumulated fortunes, Her clergy still take vows of poverty.

Every time a “scientist” lies for money amidst scams that span the globe, The Church looks better. Frankly, after a fifty year onslaught of media lies, all justified by what is less frequently called “science”, The Church has never looked so good.
