We Choose to be Sheep or Goats.

Scripture tells us that we human programs are either sheep or goats. It’s a brilliant analogy. Both animals are similar, but God doesn’t like goats as much as He likes sheep. We are to be as sheep, obedient to the shepherd and to those who work for Him.

A Catholic analogy is: God is the Good Shepherd, represented on earth by His bishops. Our priests are His sheep dogs, each one guarding his flock. We listen to, and obey, their commands, as in “Avoid the near occasion of sin.”

There are all kinds of sheep dogs. There are Old English Sheep Dogs, Hungarian Sheep Dogs, nearly every geographical area has developed a dog that will herd sheep. There are no goat dogs. Goats are too pig-headed to listen to intermediaries.

There are profound differences between the humans who behave as sheep and those who behave as goats. They have developed worlds as different as a Benedictine Monastery and the Playboy Mansion.

Goat-World is Based on Lies

Goat-world is an accretion of people who worship themselves. They come together to lie because, more than anything else, they want to boss people around. That gives them opportunities to amass programmed entities like money, stocks, land, mansions, luxurious transportation devices, shiny things, and sensory gratification.

The largest organizations in goat-world are tyrannical governments run by the most goat-like people. Each such government is perfectly symbolized by a pyramid. Each pyramid’s peak represents that nation’s most goat-like; their ruler. A pyramid’s many, many lower levels represent the layers of lesser liars who’ve associated themselves with the ruling goats.

There are short-term advantages to living in goat-world. But, money and power disappear at death.

Over the long haul, we who’ve decided to obey our human sheep dogs, who are sworn to celibacy, poverty, and obedience, are better off. We know what The Good Shepherd has said. We prefer to be with Him forever in Paradise, even if we miss out on a few baubles and some temporarily enjoyable feelings of superiority while we’re here.
