An Important Point

An Important Point

about Catholic Fundamentalism: When we hear people saying “God could not have created the universe in six days.”, we reply, “He could if He had the ability to program energies and turn some of them into particles in three dimensions. First, He programmed angelic programming assistants. Then, He programmed energies and particles. He compiled and downloaded them as the systems and beings within The Creation Program.”

Only our conceits keep us from seeing that God has the ability to have programmed and downloaded The Creation Program, or the necessary part described in Genesis, in six days. Realizing that God has that kind of power can be painfully disturbing to human vanity.

Catholic Fundamentalism also recognizes that He wrote The Creation Program to mesh so perfectly with our human programs that we’d be given the free will to freely decide to believe that He made it or that it was an accident. Bearing this in mind, some Catholic Fundamentalists have reduced the needless complexity so beloved by the other side into one sentence: “The entirety of The Creation Program was written and downloaded just to let sheep separate themselves from goats.”

Catholic Fundamentalism does provide a little wiggle room. There are a couple of places in Scripture that say “To God, a thousand years is like a day.” So, we could say that writing and downloading The Creation Program could have taken six thousand years, which may be easier to believe than that He programmed and downloaded it in six days of twenty four hours. But, why? If we just accept Scripture as it was written and handed down to us, we don’t need to waste a lot of time on a detail that isn’t very significant.

If nothing else, believing Scripture rather than the ongoing generations of experts and our own swollen vanities is a lesson in humility that, in itself, helps us draw closer to He Who lovingly programmed us to do just that.
