Unhappy People Abound

Most on the Left have chosen to become willing supporters of The Culture of Death. The degree to which they support it indicates how unhappy they are. The most unhappy, like abortionists, are filled with murderous hate for both God and their neighbors. A few days ago, one such person took hostages, insisted that there were “too many” people on earth, and was finally shot by police. To those similarly miserable souls on the far left, he is a hero, much as the Uni-Bomber several years ago.

Unhappiness comes from distancing oneself from God. As the separation increases, the person realizes that he is increasingly cut off from the source of his own being. The lost soul realizes that he is intentionally helping the process that creates nothing but more misery for itself, so the unhappiness automatically increases. This process is a key part of The Creation Program.

The unhappy leftists follow the usual steps from pseudo-intellectual agnosticism to atheist; then, to the nasty viciousness devoted to undermining the tenets of every belief in God, truth, and love. The downward spiral is reinforced by perceiving the world through increasingly dislike of all that is good and decent, so love becomes ever less visible.

Jesus and His disciples expelled many demons from those driven mad by them. While we usually think of demons as evil spirits, like ethereal termites devouring our minds spirits, and souls, there is another possibility. We may think of them as negative beings, conceiving of demons as types of spiritual anti-matter. These loveless vacuums, living vacuums of less than nothing, personify varying degrees of “No-Love” that run the gamut from mild dislike to sheer hatred. Those are what was driven out, little bits of more-than-empty nastiness thrust into the greater emptiness beyond.
