Telescopes, Doorways to Disbelief or Greater Faith?

The Other Side is fond of telescopes. “Look at all those things so very, very far away! There are so many of them, and they are so distant that it is impossible for God to have made them all. They must have come into being on their own, billions of years ago.”

Lost souls have been saying such things long before there were telescopes. Those who turn from God always justify their unbelief by pointing at something they can’t understand, announcing that “It’s too much for God, too, so it has to be an accident.”, and returning to their sins, somewhat, but never totally, relieved to have taken the fear of Judgment from themselves.

On the other hand, Catholic Fundamentalists believe that The Loving Programmer downloaded The Creation Program to provide free will. He wanted there to be joy in Heaven when each soul saw through the other side’s intentional clutter and confusion to find Him and His Church. Since new generations of people are always making bigger telescopes, there always has to be something new or farther away for them to see (and not Heaven!) so that they can freely incorporate this new information as their turn comes to choose.

Our God-given ability to make ever-larger telescopes is a small, but vitally important, part of The Creation Program. We’re allowed to make such gizmos to help separate the latest generation of sheep from the equally modern generation of goats. Today, of course, we look at pictures taken through the latest telescope, see galaxies beyond counting on the far side of galaxies beyond counting, and either say: “I cannot believe in a God powerful enough to have done this, therefore, He does not exist.” or, “Wow! Look at all the trouble The Loving Programmer went to, copying and pasting galaxies all over the place in order to provide free will for everyone in every age. Glad I’m blessed with the ability to understand and be saved!”
