Haters Tend to Support Moslems.

When anti-Semites take political power, they work diligently to destroy Jews, as exemplified by Hitler and Stalin. Moslems were committed to anti-Semitism long before there were Communists or Nazis, International and National Socialists. So, those with a deep dislike for Jews have a natural affinity for Moslems. Washington Irving said in the 1840s that “Mahomet had a special hatred for the Jews.”, one that’s shared by many on the left.

Those who hate homosexuals tend to support the Moslems. They know that Moslems kill gays and lesbians at every opportunity. “Only the Moslems understand how to solve the problem of homosexuality.”, they rejoice, hoping that Sharia Law will be established in their own countries so those they hate may be exterminated.

Extreme prohibitionists don’t think people should drink or take drugs. Such personalities see a “bright side” in Moslem takeover. Strict law-and-order people believe that stoning adulterers to death, disfiguring the disobedient, and cutting off the hands of thieves make the finest form of justice. “The Moslems got that right!”

Men who hate women applaud the Moslem faith. “They know how to treat ’em! If I was a Moslem, I’d have lots of wives, and I’d treat ’em the way they were meant to be treated.”

Some ask: “Why is the American media, usually a reliable stronghold of liberals, now so clearly and flagrantly helping the very same Moslems who will kill, disfigure, and jail as many independent-thinking leftists as they can, just as they do in their own countries, at every opportunity?”

Bribes. Lots and lots of bribes.
