Green Collapse.

The huge, umbrella organization of the world’s largest organized crime family is being battered by blasts of truth, shredding their canopy of lies. Every day, the average IQ of those believing in the seriousness of environmental “problems” plummets as more become aware of the lies and how profitable they are.

From the highest ranking mob bosses at the U.N. to the local, national mobs attempting to greenmail entire nations, only comparative morons are now unable to see through the fraud. Those who have worked long and hard to invent, spread, and perpetuate the frauds don’t believe, but have to pretend that the problems that pay their salaries are “vitally important” and must be solved “at all costs”.

Every day, fewer people believe in them. And, as the incomes of working people shrink from relentless taxation and regulation, even liberals grow less tolerant of lies that needlessly impoverish them. The awareness of truth is extending to other fields of lies. Most now see that the “obesity lies” are just as much a scam as global warming. Already, people are hearing about the “salt overdose” that’s alleged to be hurting our health, even as our skin is being destroyed by too much sun and our bones by too little milk and the atmosphere by too many cows. If alarmism were a corporation, stock in Alarmism Inc. would be at the top of stocks that should be sold short.

As we stop believing in lies, all of our IQs go up. We are approaching an increase in our collective intelligence that allows us to say that “Liars are lying, and we should just stop believing in anything that such people say.” When professional liars hear people saying that ever more frequently, and can only respond by telling even more obvious, less believable lies, one can almost see them shrivel. At this season of our nation’s development, we see that they are like leaves in the fall, about to be blown away and burned.
