Freedom Without Life is Nothing.

As we think about the 4th of July and the founding fathers who fought for freedom, we realize that, in many ways, it has been for naught. In the years since 1973, the freedom for which they fought has been used to murder thirty million of the most helpless Americans. Can freedom be said to have helped them?

At the same time, millions more remain unborn because of birth control. Freedom hasn’t done them any good, either.

One is reminded of a nameless citizen who lived in an Eastern city before the Declaration of Independence was signed. He stood neither for independence or for loyalty, but had an insight about government so keen that we may profitably consider it, today.

“Is it better”, he asked, “to be ruled by one King, who is three thousand miles away or to be ruled by three thousand kings less than a mile away?”

As we see life and freedom being eaten away with every session of every governing body, the answer to the question is becoming clearer.
