The Usual Attacks on The Church

The Usual Attacks on The Church began to increase in intensity in the mid 1990s. That was not a coincidence. In 1994 and 1995, the United Nations was trying to make birth control and abortion more widely spread. Pope John Paul II was committed to stopping the UN’s Culture of Death from destroying more life in the third world. He got no help from the enlightened European and American governments. Their leaders had already embraced the Culture of Death and were ruled by it.

So, he turned to the Moslems for help. And, he got it. The sons of Ishmael have remained truer to key elements of Catholicism, condemning abortion and birth control, than many Catholics. He was successful in reaching out to them, and much of the UN program was stopped. According to one report: “John Paul worked with an impressive coalition which included Muslim and Catholic nations to thwart U.N. population controllers’ plans to declare abortion a legitimate ‘method of family planning’ and a ‘fundamental human right.’ Such declarations were intended to usher in worldwide, unrestricted abortion on demand.”

After its attack on helpless life was stymied, The Culture of Death was enraged and looked for revenge. So, the usual vituperative attacks against The Church began to increase in intensity. The fact that The Church was standing firmly for life, love, and truth meant nothing. A tiny handful of depraved priests, “sleeper cells” within The Church, were activated and used as a way to undermine Her effectiveness. Those in The Culture of Death were about as happy as they get.

Church attendance began to drop, and the usual people more frequently said the usual things. “The Church has lost relevance.”, “People are turning to science, rather than faith.”, and “The old superstitions are dying out.”

Those with a longer view saw a bright side as The Church began to shrink. “We are losing people who were not really Catholics. The ones who are seizing on excuses to leave were always complaining and feeling superior to the rest of us. God is weeding His beloved garden.”
