God Has Turned His Face From Us.

Within living memory, the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Cuba, and Argentina were among the wealthiest countries in history. All had developed educational, medical, industrial, transportation, and utility systems that made their people prosperous.

No more. As those countries were taken over by hardened leftists, the people were made poorer, opportunities were eliminated, and the usual left-wing lunacy took over in varying degrees. Bizarre thinking, for instance, that windmills are better than solid, reliable nuclear generators, came to make decisions. The analysis of all that they do is so irrational that it paralyzes us. Rather than think, let alone, say, “It’s just plain crazy to make people pay a dollar a kilowatt hour when they could be paying a nickel, and have a reactor that ran 100% of the time, instead of 30%!”

Even the sanest are paralyzed by the thought that they mustn’t insult their neighbor or hurt his precious feelings, no matter if the neighbor in question is as wrong as it’s possible to be. So, because “All opinions are to be respected because no one is better than another.”, nationwide lunacy gains momentum, and few of us have the courage to say how silly it all is.

Soon, it becomes dangerous to do so. When China, which was taken over by leftists, found that Mao Tse Tung had made the eradication of songbirds a national priority, those who seemed to disagree with the lunatic priority were shot.
