Hate and Fear, Together in the Left.

When we see how vicious and mean leftists are, we all wonder, “Why do they hate so much?” That question was asked, for about the billionth time, when this comment was made public: “In a post to the list-serv Journolist, an online meeting place for liberal journalists, Spitz wrote of seeing Rush Limbaugh having a heart attack that she would “Laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out” as Limbaugh writhed in torment. In boasting that she would gleefully watch a man die in front of her eyes, Spitz seemed to shock even herself. “I never knew I had this much hate in me,” she wrote. “But he deserves it.”

Leftists share such hate, and seek out others whose souls are awash in similar negativity. Where does it come from? Fear.

All professional leftists know, deep inside, that they simply aren’t very bright. The only way they can make the incomes they do is to not have to compete with smarter, more able people. So, they gravitate to occupations where individual opportunity, and the advantages offered by intelligence, are reduced, if not eliminated altogether. At the same time, they work to get rid of all areas in which higher intellects can shine. That hatred of smartness at every level is one of the main reasons that manufacturing, which actually requires intellectual abilities, is being sent overseas while “enlightened” jobs for the comparative morons in environmentalism, social work, and “higher” education are expanding far faster than they can be paid for with a diminishing base of smarter, harder working, more useful people.

The Left’s Greatest Fear:

And, why are people like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck hated most of all? They don’t mind letting people know that pseudo-intellectuals of the left really aren’t very bright. That truth is what they fear. When enough people understand that leftists just aren’t very bright, their jobs will disappear. They will be reduced to making a far more meagre living by doing the kind of work for which they are fitted, mostly in retail and fast food. That truth is what leftists fear more than anything. That, finally, is why the level of hatred for those who clearly analyze their abilities is so high.

A vicious pack of 400 journalists got together on Journolist, an email site on which they took turns insulting those who disagreed with them. Between the insults, they explored ways to hurt those they hated and to help those they liked. It mostly involved deciding what names to call people, and the name was usually “Racist!”

In leftist circles, nasty insults replace actual thinking and analyzing. That’s because the left’s pseudo-intellectuals simply aren’t good at thinking and analyzing. And, they know it. Oh, how they know it.
