Time and Sin

Time flows inexorably. We live in that flow, each of us moving toward the unavoidable courtroom appearance whose arraignment date has been long set.

When spirits of temptation strike, they often use time as its ally. “Oh, go ahead. You can commit such and such a sin. There’s lots of time to get forgiveness, afterwards.” is a line that every destroying demon memorizes in their foul catechism.

“No time like the present.” is always a cheerful encouragement to sin. “Time, what is time?” is a way of minimizing future repercussions of today’s decisions.

When thinking of time, Pride tells the lie, “I have all the time in the world.” Envy believes, “With a little time, I can get that.” Greed thinks “There’s always time for one more.” Gluttony repeats that, only more loudly. Anger teaches, “In time, I will get revenge.” Lust says, “I’ve no time to worry about anything but what I need to do now.” Sloth, slowly bringing up the rear, advises “There’s plenty of time. I’ll get started tomorrow.”

We are better off to use our time wisely and well. Once past, it never returns.
