Viruses abound.

The first column of each month is about Catholic Fundamentalism, which puts forth the idea that God is able to program energies and particles that He then compiled into systems and beings. His most complicated programs, we human beings, have had free will since our ancestor, the first Human Program, was downloaded. An early exercise of our ancestors’ free will was chronicled in the unfortunate episode with him, Eve and the snake. That part of Genesis records the first appearance of the virus within The Creation Program.

The entirety of the vast Creation Program was written and downloaded to provide free will for us free will programs. It was written to provide enough freedom that the most vain free will programs are able to freely choose to think that there is no Loving Programmer. In the past century or so, many have embraced the intellectual viruses that get people to think that things are billions of years older than they are. These beliefs are the result of viruses that have corrupted our operating systems, leading us to believe, if we believe at all, in a weak, watered-down God, One Who just isn’t powerful enough to have gotten so much done so quickly. “What! He can program particles! He can compile them into systems and being? He can make galaxy-sized downloads as easily and quickly as we push our computer’s ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ commands?” say some, in astonishment, when beginning to understand about Catholic Fundamentalism and how easily it helps us understand the truth underlying both Church and Scripture.

It’s not easy to attain the child-like faith in a God powerful enough to write and download The Creation Program in six days. Catholic Fundamentalists are helped in the journey to childish innocence by understanding that, when The Loving Programmer began His Mighty Work, He also programmed endless armies of Sub-programmers. We know them as the hierarchy of angels.

The Angelic Sub-programmers did the incredibly complicated and detailed work of programming energies, wavelengths, frequencies, and sources for them, along with minerals, solids, liquids, and gases. They made every single detail of a seemingly endless universe work perfectly within the even larger Creation Program.

When the stage was set, He had self-replicating programs written and downloaded in the form of plants and animals. They incorporated within themselves all the programs for all the processes, like respiration, circulations, and digestion. Then, He programmed us, and put us in charge of the lesser programs.

The Angelic Sub-programmers were, and are, purely spiritual beings. They, as we, have free will. A few of them were, and are, consumed with jealousy of The Loving Programmer. Those unhappy beings tried to destroy Him, but failed. Since they can’t get at Him, they try to get us free will programs to have our souls choose corruption and painful erasure, often by allowing us to possess some of the programmed entities, or power over them, that they have been given the power to dispense to attract our vanity with the siren song of “More! You deserve, and can have, More!”

When we feel threatened by destructive viruses, temptations that lead us to disobey The Programming Instructions, we may choose to ask The Loving Programmer for programming assistance. He will immediately give our guardian angel all the necessary assistance that’s needed from the Celestial Help Desk. Then, we should pray for the strength to take advantage of that help.
