The Above Article

The Above Article is absolutely fascinating, not only for its own research and results, but also, because of the questions it raises. The questions are so easy that one wonders how anyone can be so stupid as to get any of them wrong. So, one must consider that some of those questioned know, but simply do not want to give, the correct answer.

We may assume that avoidance of the right answer indicates an awareness of some desire for some truth within them, and that it is manifested in their preferring to tell smaller lies rather than bigger ones. For someone to be unaware, for instance, that the standards of living aren’t better today, one is either abysmally ignorant, or lying. There is a reason for keeping oneself ignorant, which is a form of lying. Those who make a living by complaining about “unfairness”, “pollution”, “bad vaccines” and all the other leftist claptrap simply won’t admit that they are lying, so have to believe that things are worse now, than ever. As the questions indicate, the more lies people tell, the more lies they have to believe; therefore the worse they have to say things are. Ultimately, they are saying, “If I could make an honest living, I could be telling the truth.”

At some point, a liar reaches a “tipping point”, and the mental structure that’s been trying to keep all the lies in some sort of rational order collapses. That may be what happened to Al Gore’s marriage. He woke up, every day of his life, lying about Imaginary Problems, and talked about them every day until they just couldn’t be stood.

Believing lies makes us into liars. As more people become dependent on jobs that don’t need to be done, lying will increase rapidly. More collapses will follow, quite possibly, the nation’s.

From a Catholic Fundamentalism perspective, lying is of concern primarily because those who willingly bear false witness have a very difficult time getting into Heaven.
