When We Think of How Bad

When We Think of How Bad things are for the formerly Christian nations in Europe, we clearly see that God has turned His face from them. We can also see that He is allowing Moslems, who will wipe out the leftists, earth-worshippers, and abortionists, to gain the upper hand. Soon, a tipping point will be reached, and the slaughters of the left will commence. A lot of believers will die, too, unless He saves us, as He did when He sent the Christians from a besieged and about to be obliterated Jerusalem to the safety of Pella.

We can see the same people who are taking over Europe beginning to gain strength in the United States. We can only pray harder that He will turn His face toward us, blessing us with political leaders who will help us, rather than more of those who hate us.

It’s a small thing, but an indication of how He’s turned His face away. England, once the most beautiful country in the world, has been made ugly with windmills. That nation, as all who stray from His operating instructions for us human programs, will increase in ugliness until God looks kindly on them.
