The First Column of Each Month

The First Column of Each Month is about Catholic Fundamentalism. While telling an acknowledged leftist that offered a new and irrefutable apology for The Church, a look of sheer pain was evident, accompanied by “Catholic? Fundamentalism? Why, Catholic Fundamentalism has to be the most awful name for a web site that there’s ever been!”

Catholic Fundamentalism is, to leftists and those afraid of them, a surprisingly repelling name. That’s one reason that this new approach to The Church is so named. The demons in leftist minds cause them to recoil in horror, either at the word “Catholic” or at “Fundamentalism”. When the two words are combined into “Catholic Fundamentalism”, the leftists flee; using the two words is almost like scaring vampires away by holding up a crucifix.

Ignored by critics, Catholic Fundamentalism has, over the past couple of decades, developed into the first new approach to The Roman Catholic Church since Pascal developed Probability Theory and applied it to choosing a religion.

As readers know, Catholic Fundamentalism quietly puts forth the idea that God (The Loving Programmer) is able to program energies and particles that He, or His Angelic Sub-programmers, compile into systems and beings. His 3-D programs were combined to produce the vast Creation Program into which each of our human programs is downloaded. We may remember one of the first screen-savers, one that showed fish swimming through seaweed. It was a realistic cartoon programmed by human programmers. God, who programs in 3-D pixels, has downloaded quadrillions of such programs, including actual fish programs swimming through actual seaweed programs growing in actual water programs, each of which work seamlessly together.

Each of us human beings is a living soul, an individual free-will program, that was lovingly programmed at its conception. Our souls were programmed in the image of, though lesser than, The Loving Programmer. Each of our souls was able to compile a mind and body around it, though separate from it, just as God is separate from His vast Creation Program. We move through time, from the instant our soul began building our mind and body to the time that it leaves these fearfully complicated programs and goes to Judgment.

Between the download of our own soul’s program on earth and its departure, Catholic Fundamentalism helps us see that considering God as a Loving Programmer makes His Scripture more reasonably believable to us in our time. The miracles therein are nonetheless miraculous as His having taken time to make alterations to The Program. Relying on The Old and New Testaments, which we think of as His Programming Logs, helps us escape the diverting inanities of those who want to distract and distance our souls and minds from He, Who lovingly programmed each of us within the Creation Program.

Those human programs who ignore or renounce The Loving Programmer have become tools of the virus that seeks to separate each and every one of us living, individual programs from He Who lovingly programmed us. Catholic Fundamentalism merely provides a view of God and Scripture, using terms with which computer-using moderns are familiar. It will help some of us to relate ourselves and those around us to greater faith in He Who programmed all with one end, to provide the huge Creation Program in such a way as to give every one of us human programs utterly free will as to our choices and priorities.
