The Saturday After Good Friday was a Great Day in Hell.

In Dante’s Inferno, the descending circles of Hades are described in details so absorbing that the Inferno is still in print and widely read. When reading and rereading, one is struck by the fact that the region is in ruins. The structures there were so collapsed that it was difficult for Dante and Virgil to climb through, over, and around the piles of debris.

Dante ascribes the wreckage to what it says in the Creed “He descended into Hell. On the Third Day (tomorrow!) He rose again.” During His trip through the netherworld, He ripped asunder the places where the souls to be taken to Heaven were hidden. Thus, it was Christ Who created the endless ruins described by Dante.

On that journey, He freed those souls who’d been sent there, waiting for Him. They were taken to Heaven. Those who’d chosen to do evil were left behind, many in eternal, frozen pain, nerve receptors trapped forever within the burning ice, Dante tells us, “like straws in glass”.

Yesterday, He obediently died to bring us eternal life. Today, He’s freeing “the good souls” who’d been in Hell, waiting for The Salvation Download. Tomorrow? The Living Program, The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, is fully restored with The Loving Programmer and the Holy Wireless Connector!
