April is a Good Month to Love a Leftist

A single day in April may have tremendous changes. Yesterday began with thirty degree temperatures, and ended with the mercury in the eighties.

One reason that warmer and colder temperatures were programmed was to provide us with an inescapable, allegorical mirror of our relationship with God. Sometimes, He may feel more cold and distant. Other times, He’s closer and warmer. He, of course, is always the same. Therefore, any difference between us and Him comes from us.

As we grow in understanding of The Loving Programmer, The Living Program, and the Holy Wireless Connector Who keeps us close to the other Two Persons of The Trinity, it’s far easier to stay close. All we have to do is look at anything or anyone, realize that that we are seeing one of His programs, and thank Him for having programmed us with the ability to appreciate at least a little of what He has programmed.

When we see other human programmed entities doing bad things to their neighbors, we often try to understand why so many choose to be so hurtful. There is, simply, not much love or understanding in their lives. So they are distant from God. They are cold, colder than we could ever be, and far more self-centered. Still, some may be able to be saved. The only thing that can help them is to love them, even the most bloodthirsty.

We must think of the hardened human programs on the left as if they are like a day in April. They can move from far below freezing to warmth and love. Prayers for their souls are welcomed, both by The Programmer and the guardian angels of the lost souls. Actually, specific prayers for their guardian angels are in order, and may be requested in our daily prayers and novenas. “Please, Loving Programmer, strengthen the guardian angel of _________ (insert name/names of endangered liberal soul/souls), and bring that/those soul/souls to love and salvation.”

The guardian angels who have accepted their duty assignment in the fetid spiritual quagmires of the leftist mind have big jobs. There, they live among the stale, tired lies and inflexible rage. The living, snarling platitudes within the liberal are as painful to a loving spirit as their universal lack of useful thoughts and desires. If enough of us ask The Programmer to give leftists’ guardian angels the strength to drain those awful swamps, it will be done, and the world will be a better place.
