Why Doesn’t The Church Ever Fight Back?

Why Doesn’t The Church Ever Fight Back? The Church has always had enemies. The enemies come from the virus, the apostate angel who wants to destroy we free-will programs who live within the vast Creation Program. For several decades, the enemies of The Church have been increasingly vociferous about a handful of child molesters who lied their way into the priesthood in order to have access to more children.

In the twenty or thirty years that such attacks have been made with growing frequency and virulence against The Church, rather than against the pseudo-Catholics responsible for the sins, several hundred children have been molested by a handful of evil men who lied their way into the priesthood. In that time, there have been, in the United States alone, 30,000,000 unborn babies killed by abortionists. A larger number has been killed in Europe. A half-billion unborn children have been murdered in India, usually for the crime of being little girls. Half a billion more have been killed in China, at the command of a government gone mad.

When we compare this awful slaughter of over a billion children with a thousand children molested by pseudo-priests, we see an enormous lie, a gaping hole, a perversion of analytical thought. “Wait a minute!”, the alert soul may say, “They are telling me to focus on maybe a thousand children, molested but still alive and helped by counseling, while they are utterly silent about over a billion painfully slaughtered babies, often pulled apart with forceps in the womb? They think a thousand injured children justifies condemning The Church who strives mightily to save billions of unborn babies from early, painful deaths? The enemies of The Church are insane.”

If those who make excuses for death are not “insane”, who is?

Some of those who can see the enormous lies against which The Church stands recoil in horror from them. It is from that group of the elect that the souls who are saved are always drawn. With no place else to turn for answers, they find the truth that can only be found in the Cross carried through the cat-calls of crowds through the ages. That Cross has been carried through the ages by The Roman Catholic Church. They received, and accepted, that same duty from He Who carried His Cross through the same mocking crowd.

He did not raise His voice in protest or call upon the armies of angels standing ready to wipe out all His enemies. The Church, as in every previous age, still follows His example, quietly carrying Her Cross through the mocking crowd. In that crowd, some see the truth through the fog. They know that it is better to be loving and truthful than to be counted at The Judgment among the lost souls who prefer hating and lying.
